Case 2: HTML

  1. <h2><a href="#">What We Do</a></h2>
  2. <p class="tagline">Share Our Strength and our thousands of volunteers, chefs, and orporate partners have had a significant impact on the state of hunger in the United States and abroad.</p>

Case 2: CSS

  1. #case2 h2 {
  2.   padding:0;
  3.   margin:0 0 6px 0;
  4.   width:198px;
  5.   height:31px;
  6.   overflow:hidden;
  7.   background:transparent url("h2_what.gif") top left no-repeat;
  8. }
  10. #case2 h2 a {
  11.   display:block;
  12.   width:198px;
  13.   height:31px;
  14.   background:transparent;
  15.   overflow:hidden;
  16.   text-indent:-9000px;
  17. }
  19. #case2 p.tagline {
  20.   margin:0 0 1.5em 0;
  21.   width:526px;
  22.   height:56px;
  23.   background:transparent url("h4_what.gif") top left no-repeat;
  24.   text-indent:-9000px;
  25. }

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